Thursday, June 28, 2012

May 30/31 Toward Edinburgh - Kincardine, Aonach Mor B&B, Edinburgh Castle June 31/12

After touring the Wallace Monument we headed toward Edinburgh where we were to stay for 2 nights.  On the way we stopped in Kincardine and felt compelled to find a pint at a local pub and maybe some lunch.  We went into the Bridge Bar thinking lunch could be found but it was just a drinking establishment.  The locals seemed stunned to see us and we felt rude walking out.  Malcolm (not sure if he worked here, owns it or is a "regular") insisted on buying our pints once he found out we were from Kincardine Ontario.  We were treated like celebrities and I think they were sadly disappointed when we only stayed for one.  Our namesake is a bit rough around the edges but we will never forget how graciously we were treated.  Malcolm even planted a kiss on us (well me and Ken) when we left. I wanted to take his picture but it just didn't seem right.  So you will have to use your imagination.  He was kind of cute. 

Now off to Edinburgh.  We found our B&B and had tried to contact Jennifer and Callum since they had been wondering when we would arrive.  We had visions of a dottery old couple who were a bit stodgy about the rules.  When we arrived at Aonach Mor no one was home but there was an envelope for us with keys to our rooms and a cell phone number.  Perfect! 
Rows and rows of big old homes but don't be deceived.  Modernity 
It took a while to park the volvo since spaces here are at a premium but after a bit of driving around Ken and John managed to snag a space right out front when someone left.  Okay, that's driving around Edinburgh! We will not give up this space. 
Volvo gets a prime spot out front.  
 We dragged our luggage in and got settled but were anxious to get out touring and see some of the city.  Aonach Mor house was a lovely mixture of old and new, as are many buildings in Scotland.  As we were leaving, the fire alarm went off!  Yikes!  So we couldn't leave but luckily Jennifer and Callum answered their cell when we called and were almost home.  What a shock we had when a very young couple pulled up with surf boards on top of their car. We thought they were lost but they were the owners!  They had been surfing in the North Sea; wet suits required.  What a lovely young couple with the most modern plumbing we had ever seen! 

Callum recommended a couple of places for supper so we grabbed a cab and headed downtown.  It wasn't far but we didn't want to waste anytime getting there.  

We were dropped off near the pub Callum had recommended called "The Advocate" but decided to walk the famous "Royal Mile" before eating.  This is an uphill walk toward Edinburgh Castle which sits at the highest point, with shops and all kinds of interesting alleys along the way.  We wouldn't have time to tour the castle tonight but would head back in the morning.  
 Doors, beautiful doors!  This was just the beginning of a wonderful trend we found throughout Scotland and Ireland.  Colourful doors against the stone were a sight to behold and were found on every type of building from homes to cathedrals.  Of course flowers against stone is also a sight to behold.  

 Edinburgh Castle is the home to a famous Tattoo in the summer and preparations were being made for this.

The street seemed to get narrower as you got closer to the castle.  
Whiskey tours are tempting us right from the beginning but we would wait until we were in the highlands to sample.   Red phone booths have been left all over the place even though the phones are not functioning.  This is just one example of Scotland's incredible dedication to preserving its heritage.  Later we would find these still standing brightly red in the most remote areas! 
Parts of Edinburgh we only saw with the zoom lens since our time here was short.  Now back to "The Advocate" for a lovely supper and then a good sleep at Anoch Mor.  In the morning we went to tour Edinburgh Castle before heading to "The Dome" for lunch.  

Huge grounds and many buildings here besides the castle itself.  The Crown Jewels are stored here and were a sight to see but no pictures allowed.  

See if you can spot Ken, Ann and John all geared up for the rain.  This was just a forecast of what was to come.  But it didn't stop us. After all, we didn't come all this way for the weather!  
What a pipsqueak standing in the fireplace! Some rooms in these ancient castles are restored to their previous splendour.  All over Scotland (and Ireland) we found many different stages of restoration and ruins.   

This was a lovely pet cemetery for the soldiers loving furry friends!  
 We wandered around beautiful Edinburgh and arrived at "The Dome" in time to have lunch with Freda and Alison, friends Ken and Ann had met on a cruise 3 years before. 
 What an amazing restaurant!  It used to be a bank apparently.  It is hard to concentrate on your food when you are in such gorgeous surroundings.  Of course Freda and Alison kept us entertained with their lovely accents and stories. 
 It is a busy spot and we really appreciated Alison and Freda making reservations for us here.  It was a highlight of our visit to Edinburgh.
John, Alison, Ann, Freda and Ken in front of "The Dome."

Later we ended up at this pub for a pint before heading back to Aonach Mor and to meet Stephen for dinner. 

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