Friday, November 14, 2008

Georgia Veterans State Park Nov. 8 -13/08

This is a great park to be visiting at this time since Veterans are being honoured and remembered here. On Saturday an interesting group set up World War 2 historical displays. They are called Kelly’s Zeroes. Historical re-enactment is what they do and it gave me quite a feeling to walk among them. Young men and women were dressed in period uniforms; firing old weapons, driving old jeeps and behaving as if at war. This gave me the feeling of a time warp. A Blackhawk helicopter had landed as well and I couldn’t believe the wind and noise it created when it took off. Hold onto your hats and plug your ears!

Sunday was another beautiful sunny day and we set out walking and biking exploring and getting reacquainted with this wonderful park. At this time of year the lake is partially drained and the cypress tree roots are more exposed. Also, their leaves/needles are a deep rusty orange colour, something we have never seen before. We saw a red-tail hawk catch a frog and later a small buck ran along the driving range. We left the park on a rainy and foggy morning and a doe and 2 fawns were crossing the tracks.

Actually we have not had any rain or even cloudy weather since we left home! We golfed here and took a power cart for $25 each. It was great and I was able to swing fairly well considering 3 weeks ago I could barely walk.

It is very peaceful and beautiful here, overlooking Lake Blackshear. The golf course is wonderful. Walking and biking are not too strenuous but extremely enjoyable in this setting. It has been cooler than usual for this time of year but our site gets the afternoon sun and heats up really nicely. Life is good.

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