Monday, January 10, 2011

Tucson Tragedy

We went for groceries today and even though we are at the opposite end of the city from the tragedy it was different for me.  I couldn't stop thinking about the people who were grocery shopping  on Saturday and the horror that happened there.  Today I thought every one was extra polite, extra cheerful, and so vulnerable.  My heart goes out to the victims, their friends and families and to those surviving and struggling.  The more I hear about Congresswoman Giffords the more I am rooting for her.  It is incredible that she is alive and I am so hopeful for her.

Tucson has been our home for a few weeks only but it feels so awful that this has happened here.  I feel deeply sorry for the Tucson community, especially those in the area of the shooting and for the ordinary people whose lives have been changed forever.   The community where the shooting occurred will never be the same.   In a way I want to leave here and avoid any connection to this.  But life has to go on.  The snowbirds need to keep shopping.

Today our keys were locked in the truck and it was so irritating but an employee at our grocery store offered to drive us to get our extra set once she was off work.  Ordinary people.  It is not a "bad" place but I have so many concerns about the gun laws and many other aspects of this.  It is not "just" an Arizona problem but I can see how this is a microcosm for problems all over this country; this world really.

1 comment:

Freda said...

Stupidly I hadn't taken in exactly where you are. Thinking of you as well as the people of Tucson and those who have lost loved ones. Take care

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